

Signature Sports Massage

60 MIN $140 | 75 MIN $170 | 90 MIN $180 | 2 HRS $265

Feel your best with a combination of moves like Mana Lomi Deep Tissue Massage, Gua Sha & Chinese Cupping to break up and draw out toxins and release stagnant areas activating your lymphatic system. Improve your range of motion and performance with Thai Table Techniques and Sports Massage methods. This is a technical style where I assess and define imbalances and tension. From there I will go fine tune and restore as much as possible with the time selected.

Sarga Bodywork

75 MIN $170 | 90 MIN $180 | 2 HRS $265

SARGA BODYWORK is a barefoot massage method that employs the use of a fabric strap fastened to a massage table to deliver therapeutic myofascial and deep tissue techniques. We define myofascial technique as manual therapy characterized by sustained, oblique, and high friction contact with the aim of stimulating a stretch response in the fascia associated with muscle (myo) tissue (think shear-force). Sarga is geared to relieve troubled areas, lengthen tissue,hydration, reduce pain, restore balance and mobility.


Abhyanga Massage

75 MIN $180 | 90 MIN $190 | 2 HRS $275

Ayurvedic massage using warm oil slowly poured in your ears & *Nasya oil drops through your nasal cavity. promote healthy function of your organs system in your body. This is performed with one to two therapist. The two therapist work in a synchronized dance to unwind your nervous system. This promotes the mind to calm while the body eliminates the toxins. *Nasya oil Is most effective as preventive but can also aid your immune system from allergy and cold season.

Champi Head Massage

45 MIN $85 | *Add-On Any Service $40

Ayurvedic Head & Neck Massage tune-up your Marma points & warm herbal blended oils are poured onto the scalp with a yummy routine diminishing tension, improving mobility in the neck and shoulders. This massage can help promote hair growth and improve circulation. Relieves restlessness & insomnia. Naturally renew energy levels reducing anxiety & depression

*included in your time booked.

Auto Accident/PIP


Personal Injury/Auto accident. A massage referral is required from your primary or chiropractor to bill your insurance. You and your therapist come up with a treatment plan and get you back to your daily activities.

Please call and verify your massage coverage benefits. You will need a massage referral from primary or chiropractor and an attourney letter if you have one for your claim.


Chest/Breast & Anterior Trunk/Thorax Massage

This modality promotes easy breathing, Releasing tension in the muscles and bones located in the chest and encouraging healthy flow of blood and lymph. chest and breast massage can support overall physical wellness, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It is effective as part of treatment protocol for shoulder and neck injuries, mastectomy, top surgery, supports healthy lactation and much more. Additional consent form required signature. must be 6-8wks post surgery.

*optional included in your time booked

If you have any questions please email me

Kinesio Taping®



The Kinesio Taping® Method is rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process w/providing support & stability to muscles & joints w/o restricting the body’s range of motion. Also helps guide proper fascia healing and increase circulation for a speedy recovery. Kinesio Tape can assist with treat acute, sub-acute & chronic injuries.

For more research check out:


Chakra Balancing


Cleanse & balance chakras become in tune w/ your Koshas, sheaths. The container to our existence. We embody wheels of light; Chakras in our physical body. Each Chakra represents a state of consciousness. Surrounding the Chakras are sheaths known as Koshas. Using Chanting & placement of oil anointing to our chakras. Intention to dissolve health issues & use these tools to create a vibrant healthy life. Leave filled w/awareness, light, & a spiritual connection to your physical & emotional self.